Wednesday, June 17

DIY: Greek Yogurt Cookie Dough

Hello fellow beauties and bloggers! As you know I have  been loving Wednesdays because that's when I either review an item or I share a DIY with you. Today's DIY is food related in the best way! I have created a sweet, protein filled snack for you guys today and I think you will enjoy it very much. If you are looking for a healthy alternative to cookie dough, you've come to the right spot. This recipe is so simple and all it is is a few ingredients mixed in a bowl together, even the average "I burn water" person could do this it's so simple. (Just try not to bake it though.)

Plain Greek Yogurt
Chocolate chips
Flour (optional)
Brown Sugar (optional)

How to Make it
Take all of the ingredients and mix them in a bowl together. Voila! You are finished.
Simple, right? I will say before you try this... No this will obviously not have the same texture or exact taste as cookie dough, but that's why it's healthier. It won't taste like too much sugar and carbs in a bowl. It is a sweet snack that is supposed to help you along your health journey. Please comment below if you try it out though! :)

I hope you guys have a great Wednesday. Until next time...

Xoxo, Taylor
(Ps: Follow me here and here for daily blog and life updates.)


  1. I never even knew that people ate cookie dough haha, I guess it's another one of those uk/us differences? Never the less, this sounds like an amazing alternative packed with lots of healthy energy! Brilliant post Taylor : ) Btw, I tried the yoghurt buttons from your last healthy DIY post and they were delicious! I made them with coconut yoghurt and I'm so glad you shared the idea, I'm going to make them with low cal chocolate yoghurt next :P

    1. That's awesome! I'm so glad you tried them. The chocolate sounds so good. I might try that as well. Also, yeah I guess it's another one of those many differences. You should see about trying cookie dough. There's even restaurants in the US that make cookie dough without the egg and sell it to customers. It's an incredible treat. Thanks for commenting Georgia! Ps: Please tell me how your chocolate yogurt drops turn out. :)

  2. so quick and easy and sounds really delicious! <3
    Chloe xx

    1. It was I had it last night! :) Thanks for commenting!
