Tuesday, June 16

5 Ways to Increase Your Blog's Audience

Hello fellow beauties and bloggers! I hope you guys are having a wonderful day. Today I bring you 5 quick and effective ways to expand your audience and to rack up those views. These quick fixes are ideal for beginner bloggers, but can still be used throughout your whole blogging life. Now time for me to stop rambling and let's get to the good stuff.
Here are five easy and effective ways to increase your blog's audience:

Share It
By sharing it you increase where your audience finds your blog. You widen your horizons for success as well.  Sharing can be anything from telling someone on the street about it to e-mailing people to simply hitting the share button down below the blog posts.

Commenting on other's blog's can do so much for your blog. Now by commenting I don't mean silly, quick spam comments without even knowing what their blog says. I mean genuine "I read your blog" comments. Also remember to comment back to people who comment on your blog. You'll normally be happy you did.

Google +
Google + has a way where you can create a page for certain things and that's what I did. I made a page that you can find here and follow me. I named it exactly my blog name so people wouldn't get confused. Once you get a Google + page and fully set it up, share as many of your posts as possible. I shared a few of my beginning ones, my most recent ones, and my page ones (About Me, FAQ, etc) This should also increase your views dramatically.

Bloglovin' is a great spot for you to find and connect with a ton of bloggers through the web. Once you are connected with Bloglovin', you will be able to get a "follower count" for your blog through it. Also remember to search up other blogs, read about them, and follow them. Once you begin connecting with other blogs you will find yourself in a better position than others.

Social Media
Social media can be a great way for you to find other blogs that aren't on Bloglovin' or Google +. Having a Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for your blog would be great for you to do. This allows you to connect more easily with your audience.


Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this posts and have learned something from this! Comment below if you have done this and I'll check out your blog. Until next time...

Xoxo, Taylor
(Ps: Follow me here and here for updates when I post.)

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  1. I agree with all of these points, I find that bloglovin' is the easiest way to increase my audience and it's fab because in a way, bloglovin' does all the work for you : )

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