Tuesday, June 9

Modernize Your Blog + Freebies

Hello beauties and bloggers! How are you all today? I hope you are doing good because today is a post not to get grumpy about! Today I will show you a few ways to give your blog a bit of modernizing and chic slap on the wrist. Also if you read until the end I will tell your where to get some cute free social media icons!

Go for a simple layout.

Now in order to get a simple layout, I don't mean go to blogger settings and choose the "Simple" template. You CAN do that, but make sure to change the colors to what seem most like you. You can also head over to The Wonder Forest's website called Envye and get one because she has them at prices that no other designer will offer.

Update Your About Page.

We have all been at fault one time or another to just forget that the "About Page" even exsist, so let's give it an update boost and even try adding links of your old blog posts in there if you can. Example: "My first blog post ever was about chooosing things and I'm happy I chose to blog or I wouldn't be where I am today."

Add a FAQ Page.

FAQ simply stands for frequently asked questions. Go threw all of your comments and compile a list of questions you are constantly asked such as I did here.

Cut Your Sidebar in Half.

Your sidebar has probably grown a bit over time and it may even have a bit too much placed on it as well. Go for a cleaner looking sidebar by elminating non-necessary widgets and only using up to two ads on it. Also I would suggest using the template layout designer and only having one single column as your sidebar. It creates one smooth line for the eye to look through instead of a zig-zag mess.

Replace Old Social Media Icons W/ New Ones.

So here comes the FREEBIES! In this link right here you will find a list of different colored social media icons that you can enjoy. Just follow her video for instructions on how to install it if you don't know already. Go for a color(s) that goes with your theme.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post as much as I did writing it!
Have an ever-so lovely Tuesday!

Xoxo, Taylor
(Ps: You can follow me here.)

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  1. I totally agree with the simple layout, it's so much better reading a blog that's nice and clear.
    I Also agree with the ads one, I used to have about 8 ads in my sidebar and got some clicks but my blog looked messy for it. Now I have much less ads and therefor less clicks but I think it's worth it to keep my blog looking neat : )
    Some great tips here Taylor :D


    1. Thanks Georgia! I was binge reading a ton of Wonder Forest's "I Can Build a Blog" posts last night and I woke up this morning and began reading them again. I highly suggest to anyone that you go read her posts. She makes it seem easy.

  2. Very interesting post dear! thanks for sharing!


    1. Oh, it's no problem! :) Thanks for commenting Eva!
